
Project SEPIA (Social Engagement Plan In Action) is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds such as social sciences, technology, design, business and gender studies. The common goal of the team is to take our unique abilities and talents and utlize them to collaborate on innovative social entreprenurial programs both in Canada and around the world. Our interests include gender, poverty alleviation, economic class analysis, social media, governance, cultural issues, art, entrepreneurship, education, and social development.

Jen’s experiences in India led her to create this team to jointly initiate this passion project.

A little background on Jen:

She is passionate about gender issues, empowering women and children, poverty alleviation, self-respect for the disempowered, public policy, social research, design, and urban infrastructure. She realizes the importance of doing the work on all levels, on a policy level, on a grassroots level, and all the levels in between. Each one of these levels plays  an integral role in shaping the direction of culture and society. Although her focus is public policy and social issues, she also understands the importance of art and creativity in creating transformative change.

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